Thursday, July 9, 2009

not surprised

I'm not surprised that after a not horrible day yesterday, today would start out shitty. sometimes, I know i'm not cut out for my job. "not lady, we didn't steal your @ sign on your keyboard." "no dude, I don't know where you live"
trying to count my blessings while feeling like screaming.


cinnibonbon said...

Scream girl scream.. Heck let it out!!! I know I have to do it....stupid people drive me nuts!! I shout at the top of my lungs somethings...I always feel better after!!

Try to enjoy your weekend girl.

Pegasus said...

Lisa, So sorry to read all the negative vibes on your blog. I've not kept up as I should but will try to be here more!

Yell, Scream or whatever you have to do to GET IT OUT! Just don't take it all in with no release!!! I don't know all the details but if you can remember the good each day, hopefully, it will make the bad to to seem as bad.

Rik no Blog said...

Faria sentido se eu entendesse!