more 365 YEARS to change. but you know what? it is O K! capital O capital K, ok. in my time, in Gods time. I don't like regret. I prefer to spin it into learning. I don't want to regret mistakes, or be embarrassed by things I might think now are dumb. I want to learn from all that, you know?
This picture is my sisters, all 7 of them, in 2007. Left to right, Brenda, Mary Kay, Charlotte, Sandra, Elizabeth, Melinda and Bonnie. My dad proudly says he let my mom name us all!
had things gone as I would have wanted I would have been wicked pregnant at that time. But it was not to be.
Yay for big families! I have three brothers and three sisters. My dad named us (thank God!) my mother is an artist and had some really...ummm interesting names picked out for each of us. I am so thankful to be Sarah instead of Sabra. (it always makes me think of a saber tooth tiger)
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