Yesterday , my birthday !, I decided this weekend was going to be a big comfy underwear weekend! Granny Panties as Chris calls them! lol. It's all about cocktails and relaxing.
None of my family except my husband Chris knows my blog address. If they do, I dont' know about it. But I still want to give a shout out to my sisters Bonnie, Charlotte, Mary Kay , Sandra and Melinda who're walking in the INdy 500 mini marathon today. (I didn't have the money to sign up). This started with my sister Elizabeth running it about 2 years ago, then she walked it with Sandra last year. Maybe next year all of us sisters (all 8 of us) can walk/run it together.
These pictures are from the loft in our barn. I thought it was a kickin' idea to go up there and take some pictures. But Sparky was with me and he got a little spooked up there. I was petrified he'd jump down (probably 10 feet + to the ground) so I had to make it quick. The stairs are real stairs. My husband drives a concrete truck and he's at new home contstruction a lot (or he was back in the day before dumb ass Obama-nomics was born). They were going to throw out this staircase because it didn't fit or it was the wrong one or something. Enter hubs! it was a perfect fit to get to the loft easier then climbing this ladder thingy.
I am all for a big underwear weekend...Hey if you don't have the cash for the marathon next me I will pay your way...Seriously how cool is that... Thanks for the comments on my blog.
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