I've really never been the jealous type. Growing up, we didn't have a lot and though I wished I could have new clothes, a car (instead of riding the bus) etc., I knew it wasn't feasible so I didn't let it bother me. But lately, I read blogs and the green eyed monster just takes over. I always thought Dooce.com was funny. But then I started noticing how often she talks about how thin she is. like how this belt she bought nearly goes around her twice! and how she lost after-baby weight in 3 weeks. She admits she had an eating problem. And I've always thought she was self centered. But I don't know where this jealousy is coming from.
I read scrapsmack.blogspot.com, and a lot of people who post talk about scrap "celebrities" and their blogs and how they seem to have an idyllic lifestyle of being SAHM and having beautiful children, etc. and there comes the jealousy again. I think when we weren't in such dire straits financially it didn't bother me. I had plenty and was secure. Now that everything is so iffy, I feel vulnerable.
I have two signs in my office that say I Am Blessed. And I am, probably more than I deserve. The signs help me remember that!
Unity Makes Us Stronger
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
Bottom Line girl.. we're human...
Always remember.. it's SUPER easy to go to a blog and read all the "wonderful" aspects of a bloggers life... Seriously.. how many blogs have you read that have stated... all the negatives in their lives.. and how they aren't perfect vs.. that smidge of perfection that we all try to achieve and share..
It's easier to share the positives in your life than the negatives...
NO ONE is happy all the time.. and each and every person struggles with insecurities.. that's no lie..
My thoughts.. the more we focus on other people perfections... and being jealous about it.. is less time we focus on the true blessings and achievements that we do have!!
You can be proud of what you do.. and share that.. you can be proud of your children and their accomplishments.. but constant boasting is unattractive to me.. I tend to skip out of those blogs..
No one is perfect.. therefor no blog is truly perfect...
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