I found this
lovely blog last night in between cocktails. I truly thought that most people by my age are doing exactly what they want to do. I really thought everyone loved their job. I am not alone!!! Made me feel so much better, esp reading the comment from the girl who just finished law school and doesn't want to do anything remotely connected w/ law! Wow!
Ok so don't know what this means for me. Because let's face it most of us have to work a job, that brings in money. Whether inside the home, outside, whatever. Especially these days. I know there's SAHM and SAHD but either the spouse is earning a great deal of money or they won the lottery, lol. I just can't imagine living on one income. Even taking out what we pay in credit card bills, our 2nd mortgage etc, it would be near impossible ot live on just Husbands income and he makes over $20 an hour, and we live in a relatively inexpensive area. But I know it's done.
And we by no means live the high life. His truck has over 100,000 miles on it and we're paying on it for about another year. My small sport SUV is paid for but has over 80,000 miles on it. We have only ever been on 4 or 5 vacations that were longer than a few days, 2 to Mexico. (and we've been together about 16 years).Our kids had the cheapest weddings ever! and took out school loans when they went to college. When we were doing well we ate out at a "nice" restaurant maybe once a week,(by nice I mean the meal for 2 came to $30-40) and maybe one or two other times we'd do fast food for dinner. When we cook it's lots of store brand items, and cheap cuts of meat.
I'm not really complaining, just wondering how it's done, you know?