For all the whining I do you'd think I was really bad off. I'm not in an abusive relationship, my husband in fact adores me. I have a job, we own our home (well in 8 years we will, lol!) heck we even own land in KY. My husband has a job, we're relatively healthy. we have until Obama messes it up, decent health insurance.
I'm at the end of my first round of Abilify and I don't think I'm going to keep taking it. the mood swings and just the overall feeling after that first really good week just aren't worth it.
I also saw a new yoga studip in town and I think I'll at least check out a few classes.
The third picture above is an embroidery project by
Stephanie Tillman. How funny. it says "no she is not wearing two scrunchies!" it's called middle school bunnies. perfect title! All her projects are so funny.
Luz asked what brand of eyelashes I used in my last picture.They're Andrea/modlash starter kit. The glue came in it and they were about $7 at Walgreens. Can't be that!