Friday, January 30, 2009

dollhouse_take3 001

the front

dollhouse_take3 005

Remember the dollhouse that kicked my ass? well, I kind of finished it. I need to bling it up some, and get a family.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SNOW!! Lots of snow!

It snowed here in Indiana. I'm so excited! Lots of it! Granddaughter has been here since MOnday night. She's at such a fun age. She's so happy. She's so tenderhearted though. If she even thinks you've raised your voice to her she just melts into tears. Luckily she's pretty good about minding us. We took her out into the snow and she liked just watching her BaBa (Grandpa) shovel it. oh she's such a blessing.

Anyway, I know I work from home but I'm so playing hooky this afternoon! ugh! I shouldn't be but oh well! This house is a wreck and I really want to finish the dollhouse. I'll post pictures soon of the snow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

the dollhouse that kicked my ass

well, sort of. But I'm not giving up. There's an awesome tutorial here that I've been wanting to try. Yesterday was kind of a snowy cold day so I thought it would be a perfect activity. And it was except my dimensions were off. I used cardboard and polyfil, instead of the mesh and batting. I ended up stapeling my finger somehow (and no the instrcutions don't call for a stapler at all.!)It really isn't hard, but when you bugger up the roof dimensions, it'll go wonky. So I ripped it apart this morning and am starting over! I have a 'vintage' sheet I got from Goodwill and some other fabric that I think will be fun for this. Wish I could spend all day working on it but, I have to work :(

Sunday, January 25, 2009

And I thought it was just me

I found this lovely blog last night in between cocktails. I truly thought that most people by my age are doing exactly what they want to do. I really thought everyone loved their job. I am not alone!!! Made me feel so much better, esp reading the comment from the girl who just finished law school and doesn't want to do anything remotely connected w/ law! Wow!

Ok so don't know what this means for me. Because let's face it most of us have to work a job, that brings in money. Whether inside the home, outside, whatever. Especially these days. I know there's SAHM and SAHD but either the spouse is earning a great deal of money or they won the lottery, lol. I just can't imagine living on one income. Even taking out what we pay in credit card bills, our 2nd mortgage etc, it would be near impossible ot live on just Husbands income and he makes over $20 an hour, and we live in a relatively inexpensive area. But I know it's done.
And we by no means live the high life. His truck has over 100,000 miles on it and we're paying on it for about another year. My small sport SUV is paid for but has over 80,000 miles on it. We have only ever been on 4 or 5 vacations that were longer than a few days, 2 to Mexico. (and we've been together about 16 years).Our kids had the cheapest weddings ever! and took out school loans when they went to college. When we were doing well we ate out at a "nice" restaurant maybe once a week,(by nice I mean the meal for 2 came to $30-40) and maybe one or two other times we'd do fast food for dinner. When we cook it's lots of store brand items, and cheap cuts of meat.
I'm not really complaining, just wondering how it's done, you know?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

today is today

Saw this on . thought it was very interesting. Good points.
Anyone got tips for
1-taking good self portraits?
2-the planners you're using this year
3-using applesauce in place of oil in cake mix?
4-what should I do with this?
Should I paint it? Leave it as is? or cover it w/ cool scrapbook paper? It's a tray I got from Goodwill for $2.99. I think it's a little darker than I'd like. I wonder if I should paint it to go with my word of the year? I'd like to use it for serving snacks to myself /and or having a place to keep projects I'm working on to carry into the living room to watch TV w/ Dh.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

oufff will I ever get this right?

Since I've started this blog I don't think I've done much in the way of change.I know the basics, that I want a good life filled w/ love , laughing and I want to be content. I want to use my brain for something. How the hell do I figure out what though?

So here's the thing, I know I should consider myself lucky. and I do. But that doesn't mean I need to be satisfied with where my life is. Should I not want more (by more I mean contentment,etc).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

word for the year

I talked about my word of the year a few posts back. Here's a picture of a canvas I altered to hang right by computer so I can see it. All. the. time.

And by the way, my word has nothing to do with Mr. Obama and his yes we can crap. I can't believe he was elected. Not because he's not white, but because he's grossly underqualified.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I've really never been the jealous type. Growing up, we didn't have a lot and though I wished I could have new clothes, a car (instead of riding the bus) etc., I knew it wasn't feasible so I didn't let it bother me. But lately, I read blogs and the green eyed monster just takes over. I always thought was funny. But then I started noticing how often she talks about how thin she is. like how this belt she bought nearly goes around her twice! and how she lost after-baby weight in 3 weeks. She admits she had an eating problem. And I've always thought she was self centered. But I don't know where this jealousy is coming from.

I read, and a lot of people who post talk about scrap "celebrities" and their blogs and how they seem to have an idyllic lifestyle of being SAHM and having beautiful children, etc. and there comes the jealousy again. I think when we weren't in such dire straits financially it didn't bother me. I had plenty and was secure. Now that everything is so iffy, I feel vulnerable.
I have two signs in my office that say I Am Blessed. And I am, probably more than I deserve. The signs help me remember that!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

whew, I'll need that martini in a big gulp

I took this afternoon off. Well actually what happened is I couldn't get an answer about my leave from Carnival cruise line so I finally had to drop them as a client. I hated doing that but I couldn't get them answer me about the leave. Which REALLYY pisses me off to no end.
I had a thought today: My life is really opposite of what I want it to be. And that stinks. I'm not where I want to be financially, of course. I'm not where I want to be w/ my life or my career. Nothings really going right. I have no idea how to change that. I really don't. When you have little or no money, and can't count on anything, you really don't have anythign.
I know most of the blogs, if not all, I read are happy and cheery and positive. I'm just not in that kind of a place at all right now. I so wish I were. And I started this blog to be cathartic, not just to have posts of all the positive. Yes, I have a roof over my head, and even food on the table-at least I do right now. I have a job for now and so does Husband-but that could go at any minute. Then what would we do?

Friday, January 9, 2009

My One Word

Ali Edwards, who I love and have followed for so long, does one word for the year. One word to focus on for that year, to help you focus. My word for 08 was achieve. And as rough as it's been, i do feel like I achieved a lot. Working from home was a long time dream of mine, and I achieved that.

My word for 09 is "yes". Yes, I can. Yes, I'm worthy of good things. Yes I'm a good person. Yes it will be ok, all of it. Yes yes yes. I still need to make a vison board, and get the word up and in front of me. When I pick my word, I take calming breath, close my eyes and let it come to me. I don't force it, and it comes to me.

What's your word?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I decided I'm going to try to get a leave of abscence from one of my clients I've been working. It's a large cruise ship line. I'm not sure why I think that will help me and how I feel. I'll continue to work the (ugh, I would have thought there was a full moon today judging by the mean hateful people I talked to today. One man had the nerve to ask me "why am I wasting my time talking to you?" after I directed him to the proper place to get his question answered. I just wanted to say "I'm so sure!@ do you realize how DUMB you sound?" or the bitch that said "why didn't you tell me that to begin with?" ummmm maybe because I was answering your first question. And oh, PS I hope someone talks to you as mean as you're talking to me right now)
but anyway.... Just been taking it easy this year. trying to get my head on straight. Our dryer quit yesterday! just out of the blue. It's not even that old, less than 10years old. There's a website for our community called and someone on there has a free one. He said it knocks some, but seems to be fine. i fgure we won't be out anything if we get that one. Hopefully Husband will be able to get off work early enough tomorrow to go pick it up.
I've developed a horrible twitch in my left eye. It goes off the minute a mean person starts talking to me at work, or when my husband is complaining about some wrong thing about the world (so it happens a lot). it's so annoying

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas 2009

I know, crazy to be talking about 360-ish days from now, right?? But this lovely blog here was exactly what had been cooking in my mind. Only I don't know that I'll do an advent calendar per say. I think I'd like to do 12-14 aprons of Christmas. All my sisters (7 of us) and my sister in law get together in December and do a cookie/candy exchange. I thought I'd make everyone an apron out of a dishtowel. They're so easy a caveman could do it. And if I start now, I might just get it done!

I wish I could figure out how to get that cool button on my blog but I can't just yet.
What do you think of the new header? I'd like it more snowy but i'll take it for now.